Year 2
Week Beginning 27th January 2025
This week, the children have worked hard to finish their own version of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. The children have such great imagination!
Next week, the children will be focussing on division and multiplication once again. They will be using their knowledge to double and halve.
The children will be looking at the features of instructions. They will look at the story of Matilda and make instructions for pancake recipes.
Next week, the children will be learning to read and spell words containing true saying /cher/. The parent information sheet is below.
Whole Class Reading
This term, the children will be immersed in Roald Dahl books. We will be reading 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory' and 'The Twits'.
Key Information:
Please aim to read with your child at home three times per week, as they will earn a reading raffle ticket for every three reads! In school, an adult will read with your child once per week and change their Rhino Reader book once each week too. In addition, children have ownership over their 'sharing book', which they can change themselves and pick which book they'd like to read.
We are trying to boost vocabulary within our writing in Year 2, so if you come across any powerful vocabulary whilst reading with your child, please ask them to note it in their reading record.
Additional resources
Best Books for Year 2 | Ages 6-7 | The Reader Teacher -
P.E. and Library
Please wear P.E. kits on a Thursday. Tuesday will be our Library day.
Have a great weekend!
Mr Parsons and Miss Perry