Week beginning 03/03/2025
We’ve had such a brilliant week in EYFS! One of the highlights was definitely World Book Day – the children looked absolutely amazing in their costumes! From superheroes to dragons, princesses, and everything in between, it was so much fun seeing everyone’s outfits.
We had a great time reading stories, talking about our favourite characters, and doing book-themed activities.
Worship theme of the week:
New Life
Happiness – International Day of Happiness
Sunday 19th March - Start of Spring
John 14:6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”
John 10:10 “I have come that they may have life and have it more abundantly.”
Curriculum this week:
Please note that our curriculum overview for this term is at the bottom of the page.
Phonics: We will recap all sounds and look at letter formation.
Literacy: we will be looking at story language.
Maths: We will use our skills of conceptual subitising to describe parts of a whole set.
Topic: Science Week!
Word of the week:
Our Word of the Week for this week is 'irreversible'. Please explore the word's meaning at home with your child.
Please note that this term's project homework is at the bottom of this page.
We would love to see the children in EYFS using their extra time at home to read some brilliant books. If children read three times at home, they get a raffle ticket. Please, therefore, keep a quick record in reading logs – your children can write the title in to help! We would also like to encourage children to bring their reading records into school every day.
Coming up:
- Class Worship- Thursday 20th March.
- Parents Evening- 25-26th March.
Many thanks for all of your support,
Miss Daw & Miss Wingate
Additional Resources:
Recommended Book list for EYFS: https://www.booksfortopics.com/booklists/recommended-reads/reception/
Everywhere Bear - we have sent home the Everywhere Bear today. Please remember to share photos of your weekend on Tapestry and bring the bear back on Monday.
Class Cup - we have sent home the class cup and tie today. Please remember to bring back on Wednesday.
Reading Sketchbook - each week a new child will bring home the reading sketchbook. Please draw some pictures and write about your favourite story. We cannot wait to find out which is your favourite and why.
Purple Mash - You should now all have your Purple Mash login. Please explore Purple Mash at home. It has many activities you can have a go at.
Healthy Teeth - we have attached a link below about the importance of children brushing their teeth. If you are struggling with this at home, please do let us know. https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/healthy-teeth-and-gums/taking-care-of-childrens-teeth/