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It is our intent at St. James’ for pupils to be fully immersed in every aspect of Science and for them to recognise the importance of Science in daily life. We ensure the teaching and learning of Science has the importance and prominence it deserves by delivering a well-rounded, engaging curriculum.

We teach children about how their local area has had an impact on the scientific community and how their own lives are impacted by science.

The aims of science teaching at St. James’ are to:

  • Foster science capital by exposing children to scientific vocabulary in a meaningful way that is enjoyable and accessible to all pupils.
  • Stimulate and encourage children’s curiosity about science in the wider world and making it meaningful.
  • Create cross-curricular links when investigating and presenting scientific enquiry so that children; know more, remember more and understand more.


  • We teach science following the Early Year Foundation Stage Curriculum and National Curriculum.
  • Progression Map to follow covering all national curriculum objectives
  • Science lessons
    • EYFS – continuous provision (part of Year 1 as well)
  • Termly Hook days – links to Science when possible
  • Trips linked to project learning
  • Staff CPD
  • STEM ambassadors and the wider community will support science learning through trips and visits on regular basis, sharing specialist knowledge.  

Science is encouraged to be hands-on, investigative and fun.


  • Children will become resilient, independent and curious scientists who ask questions and know how to find things out for themselves.  
  • Science will be a high profile subject throughout the school. 
  • Children will be enthusiastic and motivated scientific learners. 
  • Children will leave for secondary school equipped with the science knowledge and skills needed to succeed in their further education.  

Inspiring Scientists and Engineers

We are delighted to have taken part in the Primary Engineers project over the last 2 years and to have had two winners, one of whom has already had her design for a single seed planter turned into a prototype by the students of Southampton University.

For more information, see their fascinating video below.

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