Year 4
Week beginning 3rd March
We've had brilliant week back last week, in which Monday the children were welcomed into Victorian school!
This week is our residential to Hooke Court. If your child is going on the residential they will need to arrive at school as normal on Wednesday (5th March) in their own clothes and take their bags to the hall. They will then go to Victoria class to be registered and remain their whilst we sort out final arrangements. Please remember to send your child with a disposable lunch. Please only send a reading book or some colouring for your child to do on the coach - do not send any toys or fidget toys.
If your child is not going on the residential they will go to Malawi class on Wednesday and spend the rest of the week with Mrs Povey doing lots of Victorian related activities and celebrating World Book Day on Thursday!
If you were unable to join us for the Hooke Court Parent information meeting, an attached copy of the powerpoint is at the bottom of this page. All the information you need is in here regarding what the children need to bring. If you have any further questions, don't hesitate to ask one of the Year 4 team.
Worship theme of the week: Lent - Temptation
“Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.” “Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.”
Ephesians 4:32
Learning this week:
English - We will complete a reading comprehension on Queen Victoria
Maths - We will continue our new unit on fractions with a focus on converting between mixed numbers and improper fractions
DR - We will continue our new book 'The Secret Diary of Jane Pinny - Victorian House Maid and Accidental Detective' by Philip Ardagh.
RE - We will continue our new unit on Pentecost with a focus on creating our own artwork inspired by Pentecost
DT - We will be planing our cross stitch design
Destination Reader
Our book this term will be 'The Secret Diary of Jane Pinny - Victorian House Maid and Accidental Detective' by Philip Ardagh.
Spelling words to practise this term:
Focus on high frequency words- see list attached at the bottom of this page
Words to know this term:
1. solution
2. solver
3. dissolve
4. insoluble
5. signal
6. design
7. designate
8. signify
9. length
10. strength
11. oppose
12. suppose
13. impose
14. famous
15. curious
16. dangerous
17. nervous
18. therefore
19. although
20. probably
Please check the homework overview at the bottom of this page, we will share and display the home learning in class.
My Maths will be set each week and the task is due every Thursday.
Remember to read at home as much as possible! If children read three times at home, they get a raffle ticket.
Reading Raffle – Please encourage your child to record in their yellow reading record when they have read at home.
3 reads a week = 1 raffle ticket
5 or more reads a week = 2 raffle tickets
Library Day is on a Wednesday for both classes.
Your child regularly reads with an adult, both individually and during whole-class reading lessons. In Year 4, children are encouraged to take responsibility for changing their own reading books as needed.
Please note that we do not always write in your child's reading record. This is because we keep our own detailed record in school, and avoiding duplication allows us to spend more time directly supporting the pupils.
Thank you for your understanding and ongoing support in fostering a love for reading. If you have any questions regarding reading, then please speak to a member of the Year 4 team.
At the end of every other term, two names from each class will be drawn in Worship and those children will make a special trip ( with a book) to our local Costa to enjoy a babyccino!
Recommended Book list for Year 4…
Key Dates:
Hooke Court Residential - Wednesday 5th - Friday 7th March
Parents Evening (in person) - Tuesday 25th and Wednesday 26th March
Victorian Museum Project Outcome - Tuesday 1st April at 2:00pm
Break up for Easter Holidays - Thursday 3rd April at 1:20pm
Thank you for your continued support,
Miss Lunn, Mrs Jacobs and Miss Pain